Thursday, December 17, 2009
The Kite Runner
Posted by ziomara's blog at 12:22 PM 0 comments
Monday, November 9, 2009
Rihannas Interview
Posted by ziomara's blog at 1:52 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
My 2 academic goals are
- Ask Dawn for economic book
- Come to school everyday and early
By asking dawn for a book I can work on it when am done with my work. By coming to school I need to wake up early and be here before 8:30 a.m
My social goal is
- Not to talk in class and focus on my work
- Participate more in class
By doing this I have to not sit by my friends and raise my hand often and fight for my min.
Posted by ziomara's blog at 10:27 AM 0 comments
Friday, October 23, 2009
Pico de Gallo
Original Recipe Ingredients:
6 medium Tomatoes diced
1 medium Onion diced
1/4 cup fresh Cilantro chopped
2 to 4 Fresh serrano or jalapeño seeded and minced
garlic powder just a pinch * Salt to taste
Recipe Instructions:
1. Stir together all ingredients and chill.2. Use Tortilla Chips for dipping.Enjoy this delicious pico de gallo
Double Of Original Recipe:
12 medium Tomatoes diced
2 medium Onion diced
1/2 cup fresh Cilantro chopped
4 to 8 Fresh serrano or jalapeño seeded and minced
garlic powder just 1 pinch*Salt to taste
Half of Original Recipe:
3 mediumTomatoes diced
1 mdeium Onion diced
1/8 cup fresh Cilantro chopped
1 to 2 Fresh serrano or jalapeño seeded and minced
garlic powder just a pinch *Salt to taste
Posted by ziomara's blog at 12:36 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Tears Of A Tiger
Posted by ziomara's blog at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Study Guide
According to Thomas Jefferson," not a foot of land will be taken from the Indians without their consent". This quote was not kept because throughout the history the government has taken the land of the Native Americans. Cherokees became acculturated to Christianity and they adapted to their governments. And they went to boarding schools.The indians tribe loss more than ninety millions acres of land.The supermacy clause decided that the indians would get there land and be respected, but Andrew Jackson was a strong supporter of the Removal Act and denied to not give them their land and he sent federal troops and forced the removal of Cherokee people from their land.Chief Joseph was the chief of federal troops and Captain Jack was the chief of the Modoc tribe
Posted by ziomara's blog at 12:07 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
I am kind and friendly
I wonder if Ill get threw college
I hear my baby laughing
I see stars around me
I want to graduate
I am kind and friendly
I pretend everything in life is good
I feel tickles
I touch the clouds
I worry about my baby
I cry for my parents
I an kind and friendly
I understand life is difficult
I say for every single mother to be strong
I dream to have my own house
I try my best in school
I hope for a good career
I am kind and friendly
Posted by ziomara's blog at 10:38 AM 0 comments
Obama's Speech: My Education, My Future
What I remember about the speech is when he said "To never give up on yourself" I liked that part because a lot of young teenagers give up and don't go back to school.His three important words were Education, Responsibility, School. I think they are important because they all relate to students and they have to have those things to be successful.Yes he has inspired me to move on to become a register nurse and move on to a doctor. No he hasn't challenge me. "No one has written your destiny you make your own destiny" means to me that you choose the way you live and they way you are you make your own decisions about yourself. Well my contribution will be to treat sick people in my city and other country's and to help them with whatever Ican to support them.
Posted by ziomara's blog at 10:15 AM 0 comments
Friday, August 28, 2009
Words Alive Discussion:A Piece of Cake
Posted by ziomara's blog at 10:07 AM 0 comments
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Spelling Bee Sentences!!
My cousin is affluent and she takes really good care of everything she has.
My brother didn't believe me when I told him that Dinosaurs where extinct a long time ago.
I made a oath in church and I have to keep it.
Posted by ziomara's blog at 9:17 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Manifest Destiny and Ethnocentrism
- Why can we say that there was cultural diversity in the Americas even before whites arrived?For example they had different tribes, different beliefs about God,different diet depended on location,different dress codes.
- Give two examples of how the Native Americans and the Europeans experienced acculturation?Native Americans shared food, corn, furs, planting tech.Europeans shared tools, horses.
- Describe how Navtive Americans and Europeans had different ways of looking at how the land should be used and shared?The Native American had land for everyone they didnt need to have documents to show that they could be in there land. Also they had a religious belief that there wasnt such thing as private property.The Whites had to see legal documents for the people to live in there land.Also the titles gave people rights to own land based on there religious beliefs.
- Explain why the idea of Manifest Destiny is an example of ethnocentrism?The whites believed that God wanted them to own and control all of the land from coast to coast regardless of what other cultures believed and wanted.
- How do you believe American history would have been different if Phillip/Pometacomet or Tecumseh had been successful in their plans?the expansion of white settlements and private property
- What purposeful strategies (list at least three) were employed by the English to clear the Wampanoag from their lands?NA trated health care for land. Using God as a excuse to kill and take land.
- What were the main events of King Philips War?Why were the whites ultimately succesful in winning this war?They took some of his people and made them into christanity.
Posted by ziomara's blog at 9:31 AM 0 comments
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Kumeyaay Tribe
- The Spanish rename the Kumeyaay tribe The Digueno.
- The three main foods of the Kumeyaay were mollusks, grunion, wild fruits, berries, stapple acorn
- The three groups the Kumeyaay were divided are called Ipai, Tipai, Kamia.
- No, they didnt convert into Christanity.
- A force of Kumeyaay surrounded Mission San Diego de Alcala and set fire to its wooden structures and attacked a small contingent of spaniards.
- Currently there are about 20,000 Kumeyaay decendants in San Diego.
- Women had tattoes in their chins and sometimes in foreheads, cheeks, arms, breasts as well. Men sometimes had them on their legs. And painting in the face and body were also used for body decoration and ceremonial purposes.
- Women wore willow bark shirts. Men usually wore no clothing only a woven agave belts to hold tools for hunting and gathering.They sometimes wore agave fiber sandals over rocky or thorny areas but usually went barefoot. In cold weather men and women wore a rabbit fur blanket.
- They were experts on making baskets and weaving which were worn as hats by both men and women. Also they used it as a bowl to carry water.
- Cuyamaca State Park.
Posted by ziomara's blog at 10:23 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Cora Faces her Father and Mother! Ziomara Gutierrez
Cora: But why papa? I love school!
Paloma: This is not fair! (slapping the desk)
Mama: I am so sorry, there’s nothing else to do
Papa: Sorry about this girls (putting his head down)
Cora: (crying) I can’t believe this is happening to me!
Papa: There is nothing much to talk about anymore, go to school tomorrow and say bye to your friends
(Cora and Paloma leave the room and talk in Cora’s room)
Cora: Paloma, I am sad. Why did papa have to do this? He knows I love school!
Paloma: I am sorry Cora; we will soon go to school again
(The next day they woke up to take care of their brothers)
Cora: Good morning everyone (entering the kitchen)
Papa & Mama: Good morning Cora
Paloma: Did you sleep well hermana?
Cora: Well not as good as I wanted to (drinking orange juice)
Mama: Well girls it’s time for me and your dad to go work at the farm I will see you girls in the afternoon
Papa: Okay girls! we will be back later we love you and take good care of your brothers (waving bye Dad and mom leave the room to go to the farm)
Paloma: So, Cora what do you think about what Papa is doing?
Cora: Well, you know I love school and that it’s not fair at all, but I am going to convince my papa to get me back to school
Paloma: I will help you hermana! (giving her a hug)
Posted by ziomara's blog at 1:50 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 28, 2009
1st Latina Supreme Court Justice
Posted by ziomara's blog at 10:13 AM 0 comments
Labels: ica
Friday, May 15, 2009
Folk Dancing
Materials used in folk dancing:
- sedge hat
- Hiyorigeta(-low dry-weather geta)
- Udenuki(-armlet)
- Yukata(a summer garmet dress)
- Kedashi(-decorative underskirt)
Posted by ziomara's blog at 10:21 AM 0 comments
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Secret Life of Bees!
- My favorite protagonist in the novel was May.
- I think the message that the author was trying to tell the readers is that no matter what happens be happy with yourself and search for identity.This means to me that am happy with myself no matter what people say or think about me.
Posted by ziomara's blog at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Monday, April 13, 2009
Posted by ziomara's blog at 12:18 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 16, 2009

The three similarities that christian and Islam have
- they both believe in an after life
- they both believe in one god
- the both believe who ever beliefs in god will go to heaven
The thee differences that christian and Islam have
- they call the bible different name(Islam call it the Koran)(Christians call it Bible)
- they have different names for god(Islam call it Allah)(Christians call it God)
- Islam pray on pray rugs, and Christians on pews
Posted by ziomara's blog at 10:39 AM 0 comments
Monday, January 12, 2009
Posted by ziomara's blog at 1:40 PM 3 comments